A child wearing a FindiFox Spark One safety tracker on their wrist whilst holding their parent's hand.

Future of family safety

Never lose sight of what matters most with Spark One.

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Experience true real-time tracking.

Our state-of-the-art Spark tracker ensures that your loved ones are just a tap away, no matter where they are.

What time? Real-time

At the core of FindiFox’s Spark device lies a sophisticated blend of advanced tracking technologies, far surpassing conventional GPS and Bluetooth-based trackers. Our unique integrated layer of positioning technologies provides comprehensive coverage, ensuring seamless connectivity in both dense urban areas and open landscapes.

Unlike traditional trackers that rely on a single system, Spark employs a multi-technology approach that enhances accuracy and reliability. GPS signals can be compromised by urban structures, and Bluetooth's range is limited. FindiFox overcomes these challenges by utilising a combination of technologies, ensuring continuous, uninterrupted tracking. If one system faces limitations, others compensate, providing robust coverage indoors and outdoors.

Spark’s hybrid nature addresses the shortcomings of standalone systems:

  • Adaptable Tracking: It ensures robust coverage across all environments, effectively triangulating positions even when GPS signals are weak.
  • Precision Tracking: Offers precision up to 1.5 metres, surpassing the broader range of GPS or Bluetooth-only systems.

Conventional trackers often fail under challenging conditions like inside buildings or in remote areas. Spark, with its multi-system technology, remains reliable, providing critical updates precisely when needed. This makes FindiFox an indispensable safeguard, ensuring that your loved ones are never out of sight, no matter the setting.

Our state-of-the-art Spark 1 tracker ensures that your loved ones are just a tap away, no matter where they are.

A family on a beach inside their custom geo-fencing perimeter.

Invisible lines, visible safety

Create safe havens with FindiFox’s Geo-Fencing feature. Set up virtual boundaries and get instant alerts if your loved ones step in or out.

What is Geo-Fencing?

FindiFox's geo-fencing feature is a cutting-edge tool designed to give you ultimate control over the safety of your loved ones by creating virtual boundaries in the real world. This intuitive technology allows you to define safe zones—such as home, school, or a friend’s house—and automatically notifies you if your loved ones enter or exit these areas. It's like having a vigilant guardian always watching over your family, ensuring they are where they should be, when they should be.

Setting up a geo-fence with FindiFox is as simple as drawing a circle on a map in our user-friendly app. Once you’ve defined your desired area, our sophisticated system does the rest, monitoring the movements of your loved ones and sending instant alerts directly to your smartphone. Whether you’re at work, home, or on the move, peace of mind comes from knowing that you’re always connected to those who matter most.

The benefits of using FindiFox's geo-fencing are vast:

  • Enhanced Safety: Provides real-time alerts if loved ones deviate from routine paths or safe zones, allowing for immediate response.
  • Peace of Mind: Reduces anxiety by providing constant assurance that children or elderly relatives are safe, even when you're not physically with them.
  • Flexibility: Customisable geo-fences can be set up for anywhere, fitting perfectly into daily routines and adapting to any changes in your family’s schedule.
  • Simplified Monitoring: Eliminates the need for constant check-ins and calls, making daily logistics smoother and less intrusive.

This feature is more than just a safety tool; it’s an enhancement to your lifestyle, enabling more freedom and security in your daily activities.

Hide-and-Seek will never be the same

The FindiFox Direct Visual System, powered by augmented reality, is not just an advancement in technology—it's a leap forward in personal safety and connectivity.

The FindiFox Direct Visual System

At FindiFox, we've taken location tracking to the next level with our revolutionary Direct Visual System, integrating augmented reality (AR) into our FindiFox app to transform how you keep tabs on your loved ones. This next generation feature is designed not just to inform, but to visually guide you through your environment, making the search for a wandering toddler, a senior family member, or even a lost pet as intuitive and stress-free as possible.

Why use augmented reality? Traditional 2D maps on standard tracking apps show a dot on a map, which can often be confusing or misleading, especially in dense urban environments or unfamiliar areas. Users have to interpret the map in relation to their actual surroundings, which can slow down the process of locating someone, particularly in stressful situations. Our Direct Visual System simplifies this process dramatically. By using the camera on your smartphone, the app overlays prominent distance markers directly onto the live view of the world around you. This means you can see not only the path you need to take but also how far you need to go, using real-world visuals instead of a flat map.

This method of locating someone is far more intuitive because it aligns with how we naturally navigate through spaces—by looking around us, not down at a map. It reduces the cognitive load on the user, making it easier, quicker, and undoubtedly more effective in locating someone quickly. Especially in critical situations where every second counts, having a clear, direct visual guide to lead you precisely to your loved one's location can make all the difference.

The FindiFox Direct Visual System, powered by augmented reality, is not just an advancement in technology—it's a leap forward in personal safety and connectivity. It offers a simpler, clearer, and more effective way to keep watch over those who matter most, ensuring that users can act swiftly and confidently when it matters most.

A mother and daughter playing hide and seek.


Spark One Overview

Spark One child safety tracker in Salmon Red displaying SOS function.

Spark One is the first safety tracker to combine multiple tracking frequencies into a single device for unbeatable tracking precision.

Removal detection sensors

Spark immediately alerts parents if the device is removed unexpectedly, ensuring that it remains where it should be. Additionally, these sensors are finely tuned to detect unusual movements or locations, providing an extra layer of safety by alerting you to potential concerns in real time.

Effortless charging

Experience hassle-free charging with our pin technology. Simply connect the tracker to the charging dock for a quick and secure charge, perfect for busy parents. This easy-to-use system ensures your device is always ready for your family's next adventure.

Child-proof durability

Built to withstand the rigours of young lives, Spark is not just waterproof, but completely sealed to handle whatever your little adventurers throw at it.


Your Family, Your Data

At FindiFox, we understand that privacy is paramount. That’s why everything we do is designed with a strong emphasis on privacy and security. Location sharing is exclusively controlled by you and is only visible to members within your trusted 'Family Circle.'

This group can include anyone you designate, such as family members, close friends, or caregivers, ensuring that only the people you trust have access to your loved ones’ location information. We employ a privacy-by-design approach, anonymising and encrypting location data before processing to protect your information.

Compliant with international privacy standards like GDPR, our system is regularly updated to stay ahead of potential security vulnerabilities, maintaining a fortress of privacy and security around your data.

Findifox Spark One child safety tracker in Blue.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker and Lace in Blue.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker and Wrist Band in Blue.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker in Pink.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker and Lace in Pink.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker and Wrist Band in Pink.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker in Salmon Pink.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker and Lace in Salmon Pink.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker and Wrist Band in Salmon Pink.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker and Wrist Band in Salmon Pink.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker in Yellow.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker and Lace in Yellow.Findifox Spark One child safety tracker and Wrist Band in Yellow.

Make it your own



Findifox Spark One child safety tracker and Wrist Band in Salmon Pink.
  • Dimensions
    (H) 38mm, (W) 25mm, (D) 12mm
  • Battery Life
    up to 5 days
  • Built in Speaker
    Removal and SOS alerts
  • LED Display
    Time, Battery level, Navigation Guidance
  • Charging Input
    Pogo Pin Dock
  • e-SIM
    Global coverage 175+ countries
  • Software
    FindiOS 1.0



(requires app subscription)

  • Spark One Tracker
  • Spark One Tracker + Lace
  • Spark One Tracker + Band


Choose a plan based on how many devices you would like to track using the Findifox Tracker App.

  • Lite
    Full real-time tracking, Direct Visual System (DVS), Geo-fencing, Smart alerts, 2 devices
  • Standard
    Full real-time tracking, Direct Visual System (DVS), Geo-fencing, Smart alerts, 5 devices
  • Premier
    Full real-time tracking, Direct Visual System (DVS), Geo-fencing, Smart alerts, Global* first respondent coverage, 15 devices

Why we started

We founded FindiFox out of a shared passion for harnessing immersive technology to make a meaningful impact on society. Driven by a desire to improve the lives of the vulnerable, we saw an opportunity to provide families with peace of mind and enhance child safety. Our commitment goes beyond business; it's about creating a safer world for children and empowering families through innovative technology solutions.

Meet the people behind the product

Steve Hayman

Steve Hayman

Co-Founder at FindiFox
Michael Dance

Michael Dance

Co-Founder at FindiFox
Father walking with his children

Don't just take our word for it

Parents are in need of certainty when it comes to their child’s safety. Read some of the profound words shared by those who have already signed up to our waitlist.

I always worry when I take my children on days out, FindiFox would give me the confidence to take them out more as I can know they'll never get lost

A man with a black shirt and a necklace smiling.

Harry T.

Dad of 3, Dorset UK

When I couldn’t see my son, my heart sank and we all became frantic immediately. If there were something we could have used like this to see his location then that most definitely would have caused a lot less panic. Not just for us, my son also could have felt comfort in knowing that we had a way of finding him quickly.

A woman wearing sunglasses and a black coat smiles for the camera.

Sophie M.

Mum of 2, Dorset UK

I have experienced scenarios like this and relied on my (Apple) AirTag, just to find it didn’t work when I needed it most. I would definitely choose to use this app

A woman wearing glasses and a pink shirt.

Emma B.

Mum of 1, Dorset UK

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Spark One child safety tracker in Yellow displaying battery charge.

Going beyond child safety

Take a look at some of the interesting use cases users have shared with us on how they plan to use our tracker.

A golden dog standing on a rock.

Pet monitoring

Track your pets in real time to ensure they're safe, whether they're in the yard or beyond.

A motorcycle is parked on a road in front of a forest.

Vehicle theft prevention

Use Spark to monitor your vehicle’s location and secure it against unauthorised use.

A brown bag with a laptop and glasses in it.

Finding items

Attach Spark to your keys, bags, or other valuables to easily locate them when misplaced.

Spark One child safety tracker in Blue displaying the locating function.

Join the waitlist for 3 months free subscription.

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